Jim Wallis

Jim Wallis is an author at Religion News Service.

All Stories by Jim Wallis

How did voter access become a faith issue? The Bible told us so.

By Jim Wallis — October 22, 2020
(RNS) — Clergy are already working alongside lawyers at polling places, especially in ZIP codes with higher percentages of low-income people and people of color.

Black clergy call for 40 days of prayer, fasting and ‘spiritual warfare’ before election

By Jim Wallis and Barbara Williams-Skinner — September 29, 2020
(RNS) — It's time for white Christians to respond to Black Christians to deepen our response to the fundamental moral and biblical crisis of this election.

The 2020 election is a moment of truth for white Christianity

By Jim Wallis — September 15, 2020
(RNS) — Racism is a religious issue. Not only that, I would argue that racism is the central religious issue in this election.

Reopening schools for all the wrong reasons

By Jim Wallis — August 3, 2020
(RNS) — Just like he turned mask-wearing into a political litmus test, Donald Trump is using our children’s futures as a political tactic to try to put the pandemic behind us, get the economy going again and help him win reelection.

The challenge civil rights giants leave us

By Jim Wallis and Adam Taylor — July 27, 2020
(RNS) — We can honor these civil rights giants by voting to elect leaders at every level who are committed to transforming public safety so that everyone can experience equal justice under the law.

Rejecting symbols of hate is more than symbolic

By Jim Wallis — July 20, 2020
(RNS) — A nation that still honors Confederate signs in public places signals its belief that Black people are less important than white people, that Black people’s trauma can be disregarded.

Trump unmasked his racist campaign strategy — and Christians have choices to make

By Jim Wallis — July 13, 2020
(RNS) — Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is designed to fuel our divisions in the name of ‘law and order’ — all for Trump’s own benefit (his only real goal in life).

Savor and strategize: The SCOTUS decision to protect DACA

By Jim Wallis and Sandy Ovalle — June 26, 2020
(RNS) — It is moments like this that remind us that change is possible and motivate us to not settle for this partial fix.

Why we can’t go back to America before George Floyd died

By Jim Wallis — June 19, 2020
(RNS) — White people now see they must stop and learn the meaning and consequences of 401 years of racism and slavery.

‘A change is gonna come’: Reimagining public safety

By Jim Wallis and Adam Taylor — June 12, 2020
(RNS) — The leaders and members of faith communities across the country must be deeply engaged in policing reforms in the immediate and longterm.

Prayer is essential. Protest is required. Policy is necessary

By Jim Wallis — June 5, 2020
(RNS) — I have never seen so many white people care so deeply about America’s Original Sin, structural racial injustice, and the 400 years of violence against black lives.

Lament: A day to mourn

By Jim Wallis — May 28, 2020
(RNS) — As we mark the death of 100,000 people in the U.S. from COVID-19, an unprecedented group of 100 national faith leaders looks to elected officials to observe Monday, June 1, as a National Day of Mourning and Lament.

When will the monstrous become unacceptable?

By Jim Wallis — May 22, 2020
(RNS) — The COVID-19 pandemic has now laid bare what is still ‘acceptable’ to white America, including many white churches.

Voter suppression is a theological issue

By Jim Wallis and Barbara Williams-Skinner — May 15, 2020
(RNS) — Christian denominational and church leaders have sent a letter to every member of Congress calling voting a ‘sacred right.’

From Vietnam to the coronavirus pandemic, lies still kill

By Jim Wallis — May 8, 2020
(RNS) — In Vietnam, we sacrificed a generation of young men from disadvantaged backgrounds. It’s hard not to feel that this is exactly what’s happening again.
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