One Eye Squinted

Let schoolkids read ‘Maus,’ lest they don’t read at all

By Karen Swallow Prior — February 7, 2022
(RNS) — The power books have is not in what they tell, but how they tell.

Being pro-life demands sacrifice — for a pandemic, too

By Karen Swallow Prior — January 25, 2022
(RNS) — It is not asking too much — in fact, it’s really the bare minimum — for those of us who believe we are justified in asking a woman to sacrifice much to preserve a life growing inside her body to inconvenience our own bodies by wearing a piece of cloth.

Childless at Christmas

By Karen Swallow Prior — December 16, 2021
(RNS) — Some holiday traditions offer particular challenges to those who aren’t part of a nuclear family at Christmas, challenges the rest of us might not even imagine.

Truth, justice and the torturing of tolerance

By Karen Swallow Prior — November 3, 2021
(RNS) — Too many in the church have tolerated too much for too long.

‘Cosplay Christianity’: The sin is in the denial of the life God calls us to

By Karen Swallow Prior — October 13, 2021
(RNS) — Sometimes it’s as deadly serious (and ironic) as a riot in which grown men in costumes channel William Wallace in ‘Braveheart’ crying ‘Freedom!’ while attacking the seat of democracy.

Beauty is the extravagance that makes us human

By Karen Swallow Prior — September 28, 2021
(RNS) — Humans' ability to appreciate beauty reflects our nature as beings made in the image of God.

With this much rot, there’s no choice but to deconstruct

By Karen Swallow Prior — August 4, 2021
(RNS) — Church leaders, I’m talking to you.

Don’t believe in systemic racism? Let’s talk about the sexual revolution.

By Karen Swallow Prior — July 12, 2021
(RNS) — One need not embrace critical race theory to recognize that systemic racism exists.

The social-media-examined life is not the one that sustains us

By Karen Swallow Prior — June 10, 2021
(RNS) — The public life is not what feeds the desires of the heart.

The evangelical sexual abuse crisis is the spiritual warfare of our time

By Karen Swallow Prior — May 4, 2021
(RNS) — My accident taught me what happens to victims of abuse and how trauma works.

Shame, grace and #STOPtheSTEAL

By Karen Swallow Prior — March 3, 2021
(RNS) — How we read the world depends on the kinds of stories we traffic in.

Still Baptist. Still evangelical.

By Karen Swallow Prior — February 9, 2021
(RNS) — My childhood church has come to mind a lot lately, perhaps because these days in church life have so dismayed and disoriented me.

‘AKA Jane Roe’ and the humiliation of the pro-life movement

By Karen Swallow Prior — May 26, 2020
(RNS) — The FX documentary about the Roe v. Wade case is another humiliation of pro-lifers in the media. But humility is what it takes to be truly in favor of the protection of the unborn child.

Six books to get you through a coronavirus shutdown

By Karen Swallow Prior — March 13, 2020
(RNS) — These classic and contemporary novels might offer helpful perspective on the state we find ourselves in — and are also terrific reads.

Why listening matters. Even if you think the other side is wrong.

By Karen Swallow Prior — July 9, 2019
(RNS) — Within an increasingly secular culture, the task for Christians is becoming, more and more, discerning not only how to engage the culture outside the church, but engaging each other within.
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