Written in Protest
To finish the fight for freedom, we need a revolutionary tea party for racial justice
By Andre Henry — July 4, 2020
(RNS) — The basic principle we all celebrate on Independence Day, the consent of the governed, has long been broken in two by the color line.
When Christians won’t acknowledge racism, protest becomes church
By Andre Henry — June 8, 2020
(RNS) — I was told by classmates, mentors and friends in the evangelical world that my advocacy for black lives was hateful, heretical and a distraction for Christians.
White evangelicals’ attacks on James Cone are about power, not truth
By Andre Henry — January 9, 2020
(RNS) — A specter has been haunting white evangelicalism, in the shape of the late James Cone, a founder of black liberation theology.
Why Trump — not Jesus — is at the heart of white Christian love for Kanye
By Andre Henry — October 30, 2019
(RNS) — White supremacy has always been on the lookout for black spokespeople. From the moment he donned that red hat, Kanye became their great black hope to endorse their white nationalist messiah.
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Andre Henry
Written in Protest
Andre Henry is program manager for the Racial Justice Institute at Christians for Social Action. He writes a weekly email and hosts a podcast called "Hope & Hard Pills," sharing insight on anti-racism and social change. Andre is also is an award-winning singer-songwriter. He has a Master of Arts in theology, with an emphasis in biblical languages from Fuller Theological Seminary. Andre is currently writing a book with Convergent Books!