Comments on: Blessing robots: Is a technological reformation coming? Driving essential conversation about how religion and beliefs shape us and our world. Sun, 23 Dec 2018 00:40:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marathon-Youth Fri, 13 Oct 2017 18:22:00 +0000 Robots are machines that come closest to humans in form, action, language and even thought. Because of that strict laws should be passed that designate what Robots can and cannot do. One of them includes the role of the pastor or priest to that of the Pope. Robots should not replace humans in our church.
We also cannot have robot politicians, lawyers or Supreme court Justices.

When Robots directly decide the fate of humans then Humans have mismanaged Robotic technology.
PS: Due to Robots we as a society are perilously close to bringing back a slave based society. It makes it easier to have Robots do jobs they are not paid since they are not human but it changes how we see work. We become that “slave owner” that a war was fought to end.

By: Edward Borges-Silva Fri, 13 Oct 2017 01:23:00 +0000 I wouldn’t mind having Christopher Benek replaced as a pastor, because he clearly does not know what he is about. No inanimate device, however cleverly contrived, can be imbued with the spirit and life force necessary to the role of spiritual advisor. It may quote scripture, offer common sense advice from basic preprogrammed premises, but it cannot proffer genuine blessings, which require animate intent and spirit. In my opinion, a world increasingly enamored of AI is not a world in which I desire to dwell. Nor do I believe that the Creator, for those of us who believe in and reverence Him, would have it so. The idea that something can be “holier” which is wholly a contrivance of human craft is among the most absurd of Benek’s statements.

By: Ben in Oakland Wed, 11 Oct 2017 20:18:00 +0000 I used to say that satire cannot write itself. Now, I’m not so sure.

By: Givethedogabone Wed, 11 Oct 2017 20:09:00 +0000 Blessing – “God’s favour and protection.”

So; without a blessing God won’t/doesn’t/can’t give someone it’s favour and protection?

Or; if God is truly a loving, caring God and gives people it’s favour and protection ( that is, we are all blessed all the time) without requiring a third-party intervention the blessing is unnecessary/meaningless?

Am I missing something? Can it really be that “blessings” are just an opportunity to further befuddle the believer and/or create a commercial advantage?

My local group of churches hold an annual service at which they “bless” pets. Does God need a service to remind it to care for dumb animals, does God care naught for the pets which don’t attend or is it just a way of conning the gullible?
