Islam Beyond Phobia

India’s Hindu nationalism is exporting its Islamophobia

By Omar Suleiman — October 6, 2022
(RNS) — Hindutva is linking with other modern fascist movements across the globe.

The world needs to make China pay for its maltreatment of the Uyghurs

By Omar Suleiman — September 3, 2022
(RNS) — It's time to challenge China's economic hegemony to force its compliance on human rights.

Why I oppose the Abraham Accords

By Omar Suleiman — July 15, 2022
(RNS) — These agreements have nothing to do with coexistence and they ignore Palestinians entirely.

India’s insult of the Prophet Muhammad is a sign of deeper Islamophobia

By Omar Suleiman — June 8, 2022
(RNS) — Boycotts and media outrage won’t change India’s attacks on its own Muslim citizens.

The world united to pray to save the boy in the well. Why not children who die in war?

By Omar Suleiman — February 7, 2022
(RNS) — It’s hard for us to face that we throw the children in war zones into the well.

11 hours of prayer and solidarity at the Colleyville synagogue standoff

By Omar Suleiman — January 18, 2022
(RNS) — At the request of his editors, our columnist writes about waiting with hostages’ families.

Even Congress can agree that we need to stop Uyghur genocide. Why can’t Elon Musk?

By Omar Suleiman — January 3, 2022
(RNS) — Planning a Tesla factory for Xinjiang is a new low, even for Tesla's CEO.

Still brothers: Making sense of the Malcolm and Ali split

By Omar Suleiman — October 21, 2021
(RNS) — We are as fascinated with these two friends’ legacies as we were captivated by them in life.

The last casualty of 9/11: Speaking up for Muslim political prisoners

By Omar Suleiman — October 11, 2021
(RNS) — For two decades, Muslims' will to seek justice for political prisoners has been muted.

Why is Islamophobia wrong at home and acceptable against Palestinians?

By Omar Suleiman — June 24, 2021
(RNS) — So many who condemn bigotry against Muslims have a blind spot when it comes to Palestinians.

Malcolm X’s moral courage and the challenge of Palestine

By Omar Suleiman — May 19, 2021
(RNS) — His example of speaking up for the Palestinians shows how moral courage works.

Ramadan fasting isn’t about hunger. It’s about living mindfully.

By Omar Suleiman — April 13, 2021
(RNS) — As you fast from what is ordinarily permissible, you learn to fast from what is prohibited at all times.

NBA star Stephen Jackson on converting to Islam: ‘I needed to listen to my heart’

By Omar Suleiman — February 4, 2021
(RNS) — ‘Allah has blessed me with so much already, and now he has blessed me with Islam,’ said Jackson.

What Jesus means to me as a Muslim

By Omar Suleiman — December 24, 2020
(RNS) — As the Christmas season ushers forth the memory of Jesus, it’s worth asking: How much do Muslims think about the person the Quran recognizes as a prophet and the Messiah?

Moving past inshallah: What Muslims want to see in a Biden presidency

By Omar Suleiman — November 12, 2020
(RNS) — For the last 20 years, American Muslims have been on a cruel roller coaster ride with presidential candidates and the two major political parties in general.
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